Libby Volckening, E-RYT 500, YACEP, teaches a breath-centered style of Hatha yoga that focuses on developing healthier movement patterns and reintegrating body, mind and spirit. She draws inspiration for her yoga teaching and practice from many sources, including Patty Townsend, Gary Kraftsow, Tom Myers, and Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen.
Libby is a proud graduate of the 200- and 500-hour Embodyoga® teacher trainings with Patty Townsend at Yoga Center Amherst. Embodyoga® is an innovative and exciting approach to the practice of yoga informed by cutting-edge study in the field of body awareness. Through the process of “embodied inquiry” — questioning, sensing, and witnessing every aspect of consciousness as it expresses through the body-mind — intimate self-knowledge and self-transformation arise.
She has also studied extensively with American Viniyoga Institute‘s founder Gary Kraftsow, and both her practice and teaching have been profoundly influenced by her ongoing connection to this tradition. Viniyoga™ is a comprehensive and authentic transmission of the teachings of yoga including asana, pranayama, bandha, sound, chanting, meditation, personal ritual and study of texts. Viniyoga™ (prefixes vi- and ni- plus yoga) is an ancient Sanskrit term that implies differentiation, adaptation, and appropriate application.
Ever the student of the human condition, in the fall of 2021, Libby reduced her teaching schedule and shifted her focus to learning. She is currently enrolled in the Essential Yoga Therapy‘s Restore Your Prana Certification Program with Robin Rothenberg, The Relationship School‘s Deep Psychology of Intimate Relationship (DPIR) Certification Program with Jayson Gaddis, and the 10-week Sthava-Raja mantra intensive with Rajeshwari Gretchen Carmel of The Yoga Space in Keene, NH.
Since 2014, Libby has also been offering kirtan with her band Heart Centered Kirtan, a devotional music group that weaves Sanskrit and Buddhist mantras into their original blend of rock, folk, blues, and reggae. They released their second CD “Invoking the Divine Feminine” in September 2021.